RAP - Coding Help

Virtual Psychology

Coding Help for the Rorschach Assistant Program

The RAP Coding Help is designed to assist professionals with the complex task of coding the Rorschach Inkblot test. You can use the program alongside the RAP coding and reporting application to ensure accurate code entering and interpretation. The program provides access to more than 85 codes with an interactive navigation system. It also provides definitions and clarification of codes and examples in line with Exner's Comprehensive System methodology.

For each main coding area - Location, Developmental Quality, Determinants, Form Quality, Contents, Popular, Z score, and Special Scores - you will find a brief definition of the codes, guidelines of how to code a particular response, as well as examples and assistance tables and graphics.

For any Rorschach response, you can start your coding process from the upper Location tab, and work your way systematically to the Special Scores tab. Another approach involves a single reading of the response and pausing at decision points concerning the main areas of the scoring system. Regardless of your coding approach, the RAP is highly interactive and will help you to navigate your way easily between the many scoring aspects of the Rorschach test.

By clarifying code components and simplifying the scoring process, the program helped practitioners and students with administration and interpretation of the Rorschach test. It is coherent with the notion that the test cannot be administered properly unless the examiner is familiar with the variety of coding and scoring criteria. Furthermore, the validity of any interpretation of the responses depends upon the accurate coding of responses and the correct tallying of frequencies of the various codes.

The RAP should be used only by formally trained users of the Rorschach test. The program should not be used as a substitute for formal training with administration, scoring, or interpretation of the test. Acceptable users include state-licensed practitioners and graduate students in behavioral science or mental health. Clinics, teaching, and research institutes currently studying or utilizing the Rorschach test are also welcome to use the program.