<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Export Format |
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You should use RAP3 Export function to save and backup protocol information to your computer. In addition, RAP3 generated export file can be directly import by researchers into database software like SPSS, SAS and Excel for further data processing.
The export file format is an ASCII text file with 11 lines for each protocol. The table bellow shows, line by line, data map of the rows and columns used for each variable that included in the export file.
Line |
Field |
Format |
Content |
1 |
1 |
text |
Client Name (First, Last) |
2 |
M | F | X |
Client Gender (M = Male; F = Female; X = Not Specified) |
3 |
integer |
Client Age |
4 |
99/99/9999 |
Client Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) |
5 |
integer |
Education (years; 0 = Not Specified) |
6 |
text |
Country |
7 |
integer |
Marital Status (1 = Not Specified; 2 = Separated/Divorced, 3 = Lives With a Partner, 4 = Married, 5 = Single, 6 = Never Married, 7 = Remarried, 8= Widowed) |
8 |
integer |
Socio-Economic Status (1 = Not Specified, 2 = Upper, 3 = Middle, 4 = Lower) |
9 |
text |
Client Group |
10 |
text |
Client ID |
2 |
1 |
text |
Protocol Comments |
2 |
99/99/9999 |
Test Date (MM/DD/YYYY) |
3 |
integer |
Number of Responses (R) |
3 |
1-27 |
integer |
The following variables: W, D, Dd, S, DQ+, DQo, DQv/+, DQv, DQ+(-), DQo(-), DQv/+(-), DQv(-), FQx+, FQxo, FQxu, FQx-, FQx none, MQual+, MQual o, MQual u, MQual-, MQual none, W+D+, W+D o, W+D u, W+D-, W+D none |
4 |
1-23 |
integer |
Determinant tallies (Single and Blends) in the following order: M, FM, m, FC, CF, C, Cn, FC’, C’F, C’, FT, TF, T, FV, VF, V, FY, YF, Y, Fr, rF, FD, F |
5 |
1-23 |
integer |
Determinant tallies (Single) in the following order: M, FM, m, FC, CF, C, Cn, FC’, C’F, C’, FT, TF, T, FV, VF, V, FY, YF, Y, Fr, rF, FD, F |
6 |
1-27 |
integer |
Primary Content tallies in the following order: H, (H), Hd, (Hd), Hx, A, (A), Ad, (Ad), An, Art, Ay, Bl, Bt, Cg, Cl, Ex, Fd, Fi, Ge, Hh, Ls, Na, Sc, Sx, Xy, Id |
7 |
1-27 |
integer |
Secondary Content tallies in the following order: H, (H), Hd, (Hd), Hx, A, (A), Ad, (Ad), An, Art, Ay, Bl, Bt, Cg, Cl, Ex, Fd, Fi, Ge, Hh, Ls, Na, Sc, Sx, Xy, Id |
8 |
1-27 |
integer |
Total Content tallies in the following order: H, (H), Hd, (Hd), Hx, A, (A), Ad, (Ad), An, Art, Ay, Bl, Bt, Cg, Cl, Ex, Fd, Fi, Ge, Hh, Ls, Na, Sc, Sx, Xy, Id |
9 |
1 |
Number of pair responses |
2 |
integer |
Number of popular responses (P) |
3 |
integer |
Zf |
4 |
99.9 |
ZSum |
5 |
integer |
All active movements (a) |
6 |
integer |
All passive movements (p) |
8 |
integer |
All Ma (including Map) |
9 |
integer |
Number of Blends |
10 |
integer |
Number of Color-Shading Blends |
11 |
integer |
W+D |
10 |
1-19 |
integer |
Special Score tallies in the following order: DV1, DV2, DR1, DR2, INC1, INC2, FAB1, FAB2, CONTAM, ALOG, PSV, AB, AG, COP, MOR, PER, CP, GHR, PHR |
11 |
1 |
99.9 |
Zest |
2 |
integer |
D Score |
3 |
integer |
Adj D Score |
4 |
99.9 |
Afr |