<< Click to Display Table of Contents >> Structural Summary Report |
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The Structural Summary for each protocol is created as responses are entered. Note that the Structural Summary report will not be generated until there are at least 14 responses to the protocol. To view the Structural Summary report click on the Structural Summary link in the Report table.
The first table of the Structural Summary report, Client Information, is used to record short summery demographic data. (A full record of the client and protocol demographic data can be found in the Sequence of Scores report.)
The upper part of Structural Summary itself shows the frequencies for each variable, while the lower part presents ratios, percentage and numerical derivations. They are the base for many of the test interpretive propositions.
The Structural Summary – Upper Section
Location Features.
Organizational Activity.
Zf (Z frequencies) – The number of times a Z response has occurred in the protocol. ZSum – The summation of the weighted Z scores that have been assigned. ZEset – The estimated weighted ZSum for a given Zf. This value is derived from a table of estimated ZSum when Zf is known. (Exner, (2001) A Rorschach Workbook. p. 91). |
Location Codes.
Each of the three basic location codes (W, D, Dd) is tallied separately. The frequencies for W+D and S are also tallied. These last two frequencies are not subtracted from the tallies for the three basic location codes.
Shows frequencies for each of the four developmental quality codes.
Form Quality.
FQx (Form Quality Extended) – The frequencies of each of the form quality codes in the entire protocol.
MQual (Human Movement FQ) – The frequencies of each of the form quality codes for all of the Human Movement responses.
W+D (Common Area FQ) – The FQ codes frequencies of all the responses that have been given to W and D areas.
Each of the determinants is tallied separately, except when occurring in a blend. Each blend is entered in the separate section under Blends, and the determinants in the blends section are not counted again when entering the frequencies for the single determinants in the column headed Single.
This column includes each of the 27 Contents categories. The entry for each item represents the total number of times that the content has been coded as primary and as secondary.
This section records the location approach and shows the sequence of location selections used by the client when responding to each card.
Special Scores.
This area presents the frequencies for each of the fifteen Special Scores. It also includes two additional calculations. The Raw Sum6 – is the total for all Level 1 and Level 2 scores for DV, INCOM, DR, and FABCOM, plus the ALOG and CONTAM entries. The second calculation, Weighted Sum6 – is for those same six special scores, each receives a weight as follow:Weighted Sum6 = (1)xDV + (2)xDV2 + (2)xINCOM + (4)xINCOM2 + (3)xDR + (6)xDR2 +(4)xFABCOM + (7)xFABCOM2 + (5)xALOG + (7)xCONTAM
The Structural Summary – Lowe Section
The lower section of the Structural Summary is divided into seven clusters.
The Core Cluster.
The Core Cluster is at the upper left of the lower section of the Structural Summary. It contains sixteen entries. Seven entries are frequency data for R (total number of responses), and the total number for each of the determinants FM, m, SumC’, SumT, SumV, and SumY. (The latter four include all variations, so that SumC’ includes FC’, C’F, and C’; SumT includes FT, TF, T; etc..)
The other nine entries are ratios and derivations. They are:
L (Lambda) – This is the ratio that compares the frequency of pure F responses to all other answers in the protocol. It calculates as:
L = F (Number of responses having only pure F determinant) / R – F ( Total R minus pure Form answers)
EB (Erlebnistypus) – This is a relationship between human movement (M), and the weighted sum of the chromatic color responses.
It is entered as SUM M : Weighted Sum Color. The Weighted Sum Color (WSumC) is obtained by multiplying each type of chromatic color response by a weight. Color Naming (Cn) are not included in the WSumC. Thus, WSumC = (0.5)xFC + (1.0)xCF + (1.5)xC.
EA (Experience Actual) – This derivation is obtained by adding the two sides of the EB together, that is, Sum M + WSumC.
EBPer (EB Pervasive) – This ratio is calculated only when the following three criteria are indicated in the protocol. First, the value for EA must be 4.0 or greater. Second, the value of Lambda must be less than 1.0. Third, if the value of EA falls between 4.0 and 10.0, one side of the EB must be at least two points greater than the other side; or if the value of EA is more than 10.0, one side of the EB must be at least 2.5 points greater than the other.
eb (Experience Base) – This is a relationship comparing all nonhuman movement determinants (FM and m) to the shading and acromatic color determinants. It is enter as Sum Fm+m : Sum of (SumC’ + SumT + SumY + Sumv).
es (Experience Stimulation) – This is a derivation obtained from the data in the eb. It is obtained by adding the two sides of the eb together.
That is, Sum Fm+m + SumC’ + SumT + SumY + Sumv.
D (D Score) – The D Score is obtained by calculating the difference between EA – es, including the appropriate sign. The different raw score is then converted into a scale difference score, based on standard deviations, in which each SD has been rounded to equal 2.5. (See the D Score Conversion Table in Exner, (2001) A Rorschach Workbook. p. 95.)
Adj es (Adjusted es) – This derivation is obtained by subtracting from the es all but 1 m and 1 SumY.
Adj D (Adjusted D Score) – This derivation is obtained by using the formula EA – Adj es. The result is applied against the D Score Conversion Table (Exner, (2001) A Rorschach Workbook. p. 95).
The Ideation Cluster.
This cluster contains nine entries. Five of the nine are frequency data that are transcribed from the upper section of the Structural Summary. They are the frequencies for MOR, Sum6, Level 2 Special Scores, M-, and M responses that contain no form. A sixth entry (WSum6) has already been calculated and is also transcribed from the upper section of the Structural Summary. The remaining three items consist of two ratios and one index. They are:
a:p (Active:Passive Ratio) – This relationship is entered as the total number of Active movement responses (Ma + FMa + ma) on the left and the total number of Passive movement responses (Mp + FMp + mp) on the right. Movement determinants with a-p superscripts are added to both sides.
Ma:Mp (M Active:Passive Ratio) – This relationship includes only human movement responses with total Active human movement responses entered on the left and total Passive human movement responses entered on the right. Ma-p responses are added to both sides.
2AB + (Art + Ay) (The Intellectualization Index) – This index includes the Special Score Abstract (AB) and the contents Art and Anthropology. It is calculated as two times the number of AB responses plus the number of Art and Ay contents.
The Affective Cluster.
This cluster includes seven entries. Three are frequencies (Pure C, S, CP), and the data from those items are transcribed from the upper section of the Structural Summary. The remaining four entries are the ratios described below.
FC:CF+C+Cn (Form-Color Ratio) – This ratio is entered with the total number of FC determinants on the left and the sum of the Cf+C+Cn on the right.
SumC’:WSumC (Constriction Ratio) – This ratio is entered with the total number of C’ determinants on the left and the weighted sum of chromatic color (WSumC) on the right.
Afr (Affective Ratio) – This ratio is calculated as the number of responses to the last three cards divided by the number of responses to the first seven cards. That is, Afr = (R VIII+IX+X) / (R I+II+III_IV+V+VI+VII).
Blends:R (Complexity Ratio) – This relationship is entered with the total number of blends on the left and the number of responses on the right.
The Mediation Cluster.
This cluster contains seven entries. Two are frequency data that are calculated directly from the Sequence of scores. One is for the number of Popular responses (P). The second is the number of Minus responses that include white space as part of the location. The remaining five items in this cluster are percentages.
XA% (Form Appropriate Extended) – This variable is calculated as the sum of responses that have an FQ of +, O, or U divided by the total number of responses. That is, XA% = (Sum of responses that have an FQ of +, O, or U) / R.
WDA% (Form Appropriate – Common Area) – This variable is calculated as the proportion of responses given to W and D areas that have an FQ of +, O, or U divided by the total number of W+D responses. That is, WDA% = (Sum of W+D responses that have an FQ of +, O, or U) / (Sum of W+D).
X-% (Distorted Form) – This variable is calculated as the proportion of responses in which form use is not adequate with the blot feature. It is calculated as: X-% = (Sum FQx-) / R
X+% (Conventional Form use) – This variable is calculated as the proportion of responses in which form use is appropriate with the blot feature. It is calculated as: X+% = (Sum FQx + or O) / R
Xu% (Unusual Form) – This variable is calculated as the proportion of responses in which form features have included uncommon object definitions. It is calculated as: Xu% = (Sum FQxu) / R
The Processing Cluster.
This cluster contains seven entries. Four (ZA, PSV, DQ+, and DQv) are frequencies data transcribed from the upper section of the Structural Summary. Two of the remaining three are express relationships, and the third is a difference score.
W:D:Dd (Economy Index) – This relationship is entered as the total number of w responses on the left, the total number of D responses on the center, and the total number of Dd responses on the right.
W:M (Aspirational Index) – This relationship is entered as the total number of w responses on the left and the total number of M responses on the right.
Zd (Processing Efficiency) – The Zd is a difference score obtained by the formula ZSun – Zest, with the appropriate sign.
The Interpersonal Cluster.
This cluster contains ten entries. Five of them (sum of COP responses, sum of Ag responses, sum of Food contents, sum of pure H responses, and the number of PER Special Scores) are frequencies data transcribed from the upper section of the Structural Summary. A six item displays a relationship (GHR:PHR) using frequencies data from the upper section of the Structural Summary, with the sum of GHR entered on the left and the sum of PHR entered on the right. The seven item, SumT, is the transcribed from the Core Cluster, and an eighth, a:p is transcribed from the Ideation Cluster. The remaining two items use the following calculations.
Human Cont. (Interpersonal Interest) – This entry is the sum of all human responses. It is calculated as:
Human Cont. = The sum of H + (H) + Hd + (Hd) [note that Hx is not included]
Isolate/R (Isolation Index) – This variable is calculated as the sum of five content categories (Botany, Clouds, Geography, Landscape, and Nature) with the raw sum for two categories being double, divided by the total number of responses.
That is, Isolate/R = (Bt + 2Cl + Ge + Ls + 2Na) / R
The Self Perception Cluster.
This cluster contains seven entries. Four are frequencies, or the sum of frequencies from the upper section of the Structural Summery. They includes the sum Fr+rF, the number of Form Dimension (FD) responses, the number of Special Scores for morbid content (MOR), and the sum of Anatomy (n) and X-ray (Xy) contents. The fifth entry, SumV, is transcribed from the Core Cluster. The sixth entry is a ratio H:(H)+Hd+(Hd) in which the number of pure H is entered on the left, and the sum of (H)+Hd+(Hd) is entered on the right. The seventh item uses the following calculation.
3r+(2)/R (Egocentric Index) – This index is the proportion of reflection and pair responses to the total number of responses, with each reflection determinant weighted as being equal to three pair responses. It is calculated as:
3r+(2)/R = [3x(Fr+rF) + Sum(2)] / R
Next: Constellations Report.